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And sing and louder sing  after Cana Cludhmor

And sing and louder sing after Cana Cludhmor

03 June 21
 | 3 MINS

Nidhi Zak/Aria Eipe joins a host of Ireland’s most celebrated poets in our literature series for Cois Coiribe.

Image Credit: Daniel O’Connor, RTE

stray beneath the wide wish bone crested singing breast of a bridge across the Liffey

while steps away in the city slim phalanges separate slow the skeletal symmetry

hush-hung over centuries a silverfin strung among the cantilevered balconies

hear the ear of the harp blowing through baleen echoing on the quay now

something similar sounds through the sinewy shapes the strings make a melody

borne out by your sleep the calm after the quarrel a slivered glint of moon

light caught in a ford the curve of vertebrae that hurdled ribcage

a glass ceiling unfurls a tide starting to turn

About Nidhi Zak / Aria Eipe

Nidhi Zak/Aria Eipe is a poet, pacifist and fabulist. Auguries of a Minor God, her debut poetry collection, was published with Faber & Faber in July 2021.

Born in India, she grew up across the Middle East, Europe and North America, before calling Ireland home. Founder of the Play It Forward Fellowships, she is poetry editor at Skein Press and Fallow Media, and contributing editor with The Stinging Fly. She is the recipient of a Next Generation Artist Award in Literature from the Arts Council of Ireland and currently serves on the Expert Advisory Committee for Culture Ireland as well as the Advisory Board of Diversifying Irish Poetry.


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