Impact & Opinions | Tionchar & Tuairimí


Global Impact
25 July 2024
15  MINS

Mary Robinson: Trailblazer for Global Justice and Human Rights

Professor Siobhán Mullally MRIA

It is not too strong to say that Mary Robinson’s life and achievements have been truly exceptional. From her early days as a pioneering barrister, to the Presidency of Ireland, the role of UN Commissioner for Human Rights, and her current role as Chair of the Elders, she has wholeheartedly given her energy to fighting injustice in all its forms, and pursuing peace and equality. In the face of often fierce opposition, she pushed through barriers and upended certainties, always speaking out for those whose voices were not being heard. Here, Professor Siobhan Mullally explores the life and times of a remarkable Mayo woman.

Global Impact
27 June 2024
19  MINS

How horses inspired one scientist’s big invention

Dr Abigail Martin, Co-Founder and Director, ImmuONE; Alumna, University of Galway

In this piece Cois Coiribe talks to aluma Dr Abigail Martin, CEO and Co-Founder and Director of biotechnology company ImmuONE. Abigail’s love of horses made her interested in how science could help to make animals’ lives better, as well as curious about what we can learn about human health from animal studies. Her company manufactures her innovative product – a human in vitro lung – which has significantly affected how companies test their products, in particular, improving human safety and reducing animal testing. Explore Abigail’s journey below.

26 January 2022
23  MINS

A Humanitarian Catastrophe – on the Ground in Afghanistan 

Tom Felle

NUI Galway graduates are at the forefront of the humanitarian responses to some of the world’s most difficult global crises. From Defence Forces officers serving on dangerous posts in Lebanon, to Irish diplomats at the top table at the United Nations (UN) Security Council this year, the university’s global footprint in global peace and security is ever growing. Here, Tom Felle talks to two alumni of NUI Galway who are currently working in Afghanistan.

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