Impact & Opinions | Tionchar & Tuairimí

Infrastructure Innovation

SDG Champion
18 April 2024
15  MINS

The Learning Commons: A Library, Reimagined

Monica Crump

Monica Crump, Interim University Librarian explores this radically different library of the future, supporting collaboration, creativity and new forms of teaching, learning and engagement.

SDG Champion
19 December 2023
17  MINS

A Better World Through Better Business

Dr Johanna Clancy

In a 1970 essay for The New York Times, Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman stated that “The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase Its Profits.” Fast-forward over 50 years, business is confronted with major socioeconomic, environmental and geopolitical disruptions, challenged as never before to adapt, be relevant and contribute solutions to the world’s pressing issues (AACSB Pathways) – as well as making profits.

SDG Champion
15 December 2023
18  MINS

Imagine a Futuristic, Sustainable City between Galway and Dublin

Prof Padraic Kenna

We like to mix the global and the local in Galway. We talk a lot about climate, justice, land and housing, which is why the Sustainable Development Goals mean so much to us. Our greatest task now is to envisage the carbon-free, sustainable and inclusive communities of the future. ‘THE LINE’ offers a glimpse into what these could look like. 

15 December 2020
21  MINS

Infrastructure – for Public Good and Collaborative Creativity

John Concannon

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