Impact & Opinions | Tionchar & Tuairimí

Law Business

19 December 2024
29  MINS

Real World Impact

Prof Kate Kenny, Professor of Business and Society at J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics, University of Galway,

Professor of Business and Society at J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics, Kate Kenny has been researching whistleblowing in organisations for the past 10 years, across a range of sectors from the Gardaí to finance. Working with academic and industry collaborators, as well as whistleblowers themselves, Prof Kenny investigates the professional and legal structures that deny the voices of dissenters, and those that aim to support them. Launching in 2025, her upcoming book Regulators of Last Resort explores familiar cases such as Amazon and Facebook to ask: what is the price that whistleblowers pay, and who can offer them support? 

29 July 2021
18  MINS

In Conversation With: Professor Tim O’Brien

The Dean of the College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences – a father of five, a dual US-Irish citizen and an endochrinologist – sat down with Cois Coiribe to share his views on internationalisation and how it influenced his career and how he values its place in the University.

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