Impact & Opinions | Tionchar & Tuairimí

MedTech Global

Innovate Together
10 January 2025

Foreword from the Interim President | Focal ón Uachtarán Eatramhach

Interim President, Peter McHugh

Resilient Innovation
28 June 2023
20  MINS

Propelling Innovation: University of Galway Spinouts

Today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape requires constant innovation. Founded in 2006, University of Galway’s Innovation Office is a hub for entrepreneurs, startups and established companies alike to propel their ventures to new heights in a supported environment.

Resilient Innovation
22 June 2023
14  MINS

Seven Years of the Galway City Innovation District and the PorterShed

Prof John Breslin

Synopsis:  A recent report from KPMG found that between 2021 and 2016, PorterShed had created 835 sustainable jobs across the value chain and contributed over €6 million to national economic output. Following the opening of PorterShed a Dó at the end of 2022, cofounder and University of Galway professor, John Breslin explains why more and more innovation-driven companies in Galway are clustering and thriving together. 

Resilient Innovation
22 June 2023
18  MINS

Meet Prof Peter Doran, Director of University of Galway’s New Institute for Clinical Trials

Prof Peter Doran is leading a team of experts in building an innovative, patient-centred Institute for Clinical Trials at University of Galway. Here, Peter reflects on how personal experiences of loss have instilled in him a greater sense of purpose towards improving the health of the nation.

29 July 2021

Welcome to the Summer Edition of Cois Coiribe

Professor Becky Whay

Prof Becky Whay, Vice-President: International at NUI Galway welcomes you to the Summer online edition of Cois Coiribe – where we ask what impact can internationalisation have on us as a university and the people associated with it and why should we be a Global University?    

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