Impact & Opinions | Tionchar & Tuairimí

Success Stories

SDG Champion
18 April 2024
15  MINS

The Learning Commons: A Library, Reimagined

Monica Crump

Monica Crump, Interim University Librarian explores this radically different library of the future, supporting collaboration, creativity and new forms of teaching, learning and engagement.

Resilient Innovation
22 June 2023
19  MINS

An Mheitheal Rothar: Pioneering a New Model for the Circular Economy

Dr Sinéad Mitchell, Lecturer, Sustainability and Strategy, College of Business, Public Policy and Law; , Catherine  Coote, Co-Founder,  An Mheitheal Rothar,

Today’s economy, defined by in-built obsolescence, relies on the extraction of over 90% virgin materials from the earth. Pioneering a new model for the ‘social startup’ based at University of Galway, An Mheitheal Rothar (AMR) is determined to show us that a circular economy is possible in the West of Ireland. Lecturer in Sustainability and Strategy, Dr Sinéad Mitchell and AMR cofounder, Catherine Coote tells us exactly what makes this unique model a success.  

13 December 2022

Creative Galway Podcast: Ikenna Anyabuike

University of Galway student, Ikenna Anyabuike, is an actor, writer, assistant dramaturg and one half of the musical duo, Armcandy. Ikenna was awarded the ‘Baptiste Programme’ with Smock Alley in 2022, as well as the ‘Axis Assemble 2022’ with Axis Ballymun. He also performs as part of an ensemble for the play ‘The Kinds of Sex You Might Have in College’ with Active* Consent.

26 May 2022
15  MINS

From the Ground Up – Irish peatlands communities reducing CO2 emissions

Professor Christine Domegan

As the world strives to reduce carbon emissions, peatlands have been dubbed the new “black gold,” storing over three times the carbon of all the forests in the world. As part of the EU LIFE Peatlands and People project, people who once dug out drains to dry up bogs for peat harvesting are now blocking those very drains as part of a large-scale rewetting process. What drives a cultural shift like this? According to Professor of Social Marketing Christine Domegan, we must match urgent calls to action with positive models for change and mutual community support.

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