Impact & Opinions | Tionchar & Tuairimí


AI & Human Creativity
16 December 2021

The Creative Spark – How Will Innovation be Affected by the Absence of a Watercooler?

Prof Esther Tippmann

Esther Tipmann reminds us of the critical role of human skills and competences; while technology platforms to support innovative work in an online or hybrid setting have improved, they are not yet able to replace the casual cognitive synergies and frictions that occur when being present in the same place.

AI & Human Creativity
16 December 2021
15  MINS

Consumers and AI

Prof Geraint Howells

Geraint Howells shines a light on the complexity of old consumer protection paradigms in the new world of software, AI and data.  Encouragingly, he sees solutions, and points to the healthy approach to the regulation of AI by the EU.  

AI & Human Creativity
16 December 2021
11  MINS

Digital Doctors: How AI Will Improve Your Health

Prof Derek O'Keeffe

The impact of Artificial Intelligence on health systems will be far reaching. Dr Derek O’Keeffe discusses the AI that is already making a difference at University College Hospital Galway (UCHG).

AI & Human Creativity
16 December 2021
14  MINS

Meaisínaistriúchán Néarach – Deis agus Dúshlán i gComhthéacs Ollscoile

Eoin Ó Droighneáin

Tá úsáid teangacha sa réimse digiteach thar a bheith tábhachtach – teangacha nach mbeidh lánpháirteach sa réimse sin, tá an baol ann go rachaidh siad ar gcúl. The use of languages ​​in the digital realm is extremely important – languages not embracing the digital revolution are in danger of decline.

16 December 2021
10  MINS

NUI Galway Leading the Way in Designing the Future of Education

In the months preceding COVID-19’s classification as a global pandemic, the Irish Government funded a number of large-scale, transformative projects in the higher education and university sector. The focus of these initiatives was to develop and deploy innovative educational approaches and technologies to change fundamentally how students experience their university education.

AI & Human Creativity
16 December 2021
16  MINS

A Different View: Data Visualisation and Engaging Research

David Kelly

David Kelly explains how data visualisation techniques allow researchers to communicate complex data and ideas to researchers, policy makers and the wider public.

AI & Human Creativity
16 December 2021
25  MINS

Anonn ’an Oileáin Úir … 

Prof Breandán Mac Suibhne, Historian of Modern Ireland and Director of Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta

Tá bunachar ar líne á fhorbairt in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe le cuidiú le scoláirí agus lucht ginealachais taighde a dhéanamh ar imirce ó Éirinn go Méiriceá. Irish migration to North America will be illuminated by an online database currently under development at University of Galway.

AI & Human Creativity
16 December 2021
13  MINS

Artificial Intelligence and the Learning Commons

Mr John Cox, University Librarian, Library, NUI Galway

John Cox explains the radically different library of the future, driven by AI and Robotics and supporting new forms of learning and engagement. He points out that ethical concerns surrounding AI will require that the human dimension be paramount, with Library staff playing a central role.

16 December 2021
18  MINS

In Conversation with Digital Artist, Dr. EL Putnam

Dr. EL Putnam, lecturer in Digital Media, NUI Galway

Dr. EL Putnam is an internationally recognised digital artist and a lecturer in Digital Media at NUI Galway. EL’s practice discovers new ways of thinking about the relationship between the body and data; her artworks and performances have travelled to the United States, Europe and beyond. Recent experiments have seen the artist create generative animations using biometric data, such as heart rate and oxygen levels. In this interview, EL shares her thoughts on creativity, education and the materiality of technology.

AI & Human Creativity
16 December 2021
15  MINS

Are We There Yet? Reflections on Artificial Intelligence in Autonomous Cars

Prof Edward Jones

Nothing raises questions around the mingling of human and technology quite like autonomous cars. With multiple levels of AI involved, at what point does human judgment intervene? Prof Edward Jones explores the challenges of this rapidly developing technology.

AI & Human Creativity
16 December 2021
15  MINS

Automating Away What is Dangerous, Dirty, Dull and Difficult

Dr James McDermott, Lecturer, School of Computer Science, NUI Galway

Automation has rescued millions of people from jobs that are dangerous, dirty, or just plain drudge – and we’re just at the beginning of the AI revolution. Dr James McDermott ponders the critical issue of what we will do when machines do lots more of our work. 

AI & Human Creativity
16 December 2021

AI Giving New Insights to Microbiologists

Kevin McDonnell

Kevin McDonnell’s Master’s thesis led to a collaboration between Computer Science and Microbiology with immense potential for re-evaluating previous studies and extending the techniques into new areas such as cancer detection.

AI & Human Creativity
16 December 2021
15  MINS

Is it Time for the Leaving Certificate to Leave School? – Designing a Secondary Education System for Creativity and Innovation 

Dr Tony Hall

Dr Tony Hall argues that it is time to say ‘Slán’ to the Leaving Cert, and instead design an educational future that foregrounds and promotes creativity and innovation.

AI & Human Creativity
16 December 2021
11  MINS

The Competitive Edge – How Analytics are Driving Success in Sport

Yvonne Comer

It comes down to one word: competition. For as long as sports have been played, teams and athletes are looking for a competitive edge. And it just so happens that today, and well into the future, data and analytics are going to be a source of a competitive edge for teams. – Ben Shields (The Sports Strategist)

AI & Human Creativity
10 December 2021
16  MINS

The Future of Law: Automation or Augmentation?

Rónán Kennedy

What will the future of law look like in the Fourth Industrial Revolution? Rónán Kennedy delves into the likely changes we’ll see on the automation front, and calls for the addition of digital literacy to the current menu of legal skills.

AI & Human Creativity
10 December 2021
10  MINS

The Responsibility of the Data Scientist in Natural Language Processing

Dr Paul Buitelaar

Natural Language Processing is no longer only about ever faster and more efficient data processing, but increasingly about selecting the right data and using it in a transparent and responsible way, says Paul Buitelaar.

AI & Human Creativity
10 December 2021
13  MINS

Care with a Human(oid) Face – Working Ethically with Social Robots

Heike Felzmann

A shortage of care workers is driving reliance on AI in human care.  When a patient is vulnerable and empathy is called for – can a robot be the answer?

AI & Human Creativity
10 December 2021
13  MINS

Trust and Technology Terrorism in Medicine – Psychology’s Influence on the Future of Digital Health

Dr Jane Walsh

The global medical robotics market is expected to reach $12.7 billion by 2025 from an estimated $5.9 billion in 2020. As the demand for health care services outweigh the availability of staff, social robots are filling the gap. How do we navigate healthcare in this new technology-driven world?  Dr Jane Walsh investigates – and argues that safe and effective digital transformation of healthcare requires a multidisciplinary approach with the patient at the centre of design.

AI & Human Creativity
10 December 2021

Design Your Life

At a time when we are all dazzled (and perhaps blinded) by the promises of technology, a new programme at NUI Galway focuses on the one thing that really matters – a fulfilled, purposeful life.

10 December 2021
14  MINS

Artificial Intelligence Demystified – What is it All About?

Prof. Michael Madden

Artificial Intelligence (AI) might appear to be a very new idea, as it has loomed large in public discourse in recent years. The history of AI is, however, almost as long as that of computer science generally – and it’s very far from over, says Prof. Michael Madden.

12 October 2021
25  MINS

‘We all Rise and Fall Together’ – Notre Dame’s Michael Pippenger on Internationalisation

Michael Pippenger is Vice President & Associate Provost for Internationalisation at University of Notre Dame. Here, he speaks about the value of internationalisation to the university, the surrounding community and the region, and tells us why a focus on internationalisation is a win-win.

04 October 2021
11  MINS

In Conversation With: Patricia Codyre

NUI Galway alumna Patricia Codyre works in Digital Health & Innovation at World Health Organisation (WHO). Here, she talks to Cois Coiribe about how her time at NUI Galway armed her with the skills to collaborate, communicate and identify creative solutions.

01 October 2021
11  MINS

Antimicrobial Resistance: A Global One-Health Challenge

Professor Dearbháile Morris, Dr Georgios Miliotis

Prof. Dearbháile Morris & Dr. Georgios Miliotis, School of Medicine at NUI Galway tackling the pressing threat of superbugs at the source with its Global One Health approach.

30 September 2021
17  MINS

In Conversation with: Kathryn O Shea

Kathryn O Shea, Director, Australia & New Zealand at IDA Ireland talks to Cois Coiribe about how the collaborative efforts between academia and industry championed by NUI Galway is a great way to continue to attract global talent…and her unforgettable experiences studying at NUI Galway.

27 September 2021
14  MINS

In Conversation With: Dr Anthony J. Windebank

Dr Anthony J. Windebank, professor of neurology at Mayo Clinic, discusses the importance of global collaborations within medical research, and the impact that internationalisation has had on his career.

01 September 2021
14  MINS

Setting up a Health Partnership in Kenya

Dr Yvonne Finn

Dr Yvonne Finn speaks of her experience setting up a health partnership in Kenya

09 August 2021
15  MINS

ENLIGHT – In Conversation with: Professor Hiltraud Casper-Hehne

Professor Hiltraud Casper-Hehne,

Professor Hiltraud Casper-Hehne, the ENLIGHT academic lead from the University of Göttingen discusses ENLIGHT’s impact on its nine European universities and society as a whole.

04 August 2021
13  MINS

Virtual Humans as Personal Health Coaches

Dr Cyrille Thinnes, Prof Ines Thiele

Dr Cyrille Thinnes & Prof. Ines Thiele discuss how Digital Twins or avatars could be used to revolutionise health coaching through recent advances in digital health research.

29 July 2021
13  MINS

Why Galway needs a Global University in a Connected World

Professor Walter Gear

Prof Walter Gear tells us why Galway needs a global university in a Connected World. 

29 July 2021

Welcome to the Summer Edition of Cois Coiribe

Professor Becky Whay

Prof Becky Whay, Vice-President: International at NUI Galway welcomes you to the Summer online edition of Cois Coiribe – where we ask what impact can internationalisation have on us as a university and the people associated with it and why should we be a Global University?    

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