Impact & Opinions | Tionchar & Tuairimí


Global Impact
23 June 2024
18  MINS

Thriving or Surviving? A Global Research Alliance Pushing for Reform in Hospitality Work

Dr Deirdre Curran, Lecturer in Management, University of Galway

Research by J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics at University of Galway has found that although workers in the hospitality industry are often passionate about their work, the industry is experiencing a chronic labour shortage. Poor conditions and lack of prospects are some of the key reasons. Now a new global alliance aims to tackle conditions in hospitality through educating policy makers and industry leaders about what is needed to ensure “decent work”, and Ireland is positioned to be a leader in the field.

SDG Champion
18 December 2023
12  MINS

In Conversation: Oliver Wall, Chief of Staff at Bank of Ireland

Oliver Wall

In University of Galway’s Literary & Debating Society, Oliver Wall first practiced the leadership skills that would stand to him throughout a rich career in politics and corporate affairs. A former adviser in the Department of an Taoiseach during Ireland’s Presidency of the EU Council, Oliver Wall is now Chief of Staff and Head of Corporate Affairs at Bank of Ireland. We caught up with Oliver to learn more about the impact of his work at Bank of Ireland, from wellbeing at work to greenhouse gasses and more.

Resilient Innovation
22 June 2023
16  MINS

The Nine-to-Five is Dead: What’s Next?

Assistant Professor Maeve O’Sullivan

Which ‘genius day’ do you take off as part of your four-day week? Does your co-bot take milk in their coffee? Fancy a ‘match-making’ session for remote workers in your company retreat? These are questions workers and workplace leaders face in the new world of work. Predictions about the future world of work range from organisational inertia to a complete robotic takeover. Assistant Professor Maeve O’Sullivan, Lecturer in Human Resource Management and Decent Work, unpacks some of the issues to be tackled as we contemplate this uncertain future.

AI & Human Creativity
17 December 2021
14  MINS

Adapting to a Changing Job Market

Anastasiya Sytnyk

With COVID-19 disrupting hospitality and retail industries where many young people find employment, students like Anastasiya Sytnyk have had to reconsider their employment options. After a year of working remotely in an IT sales role, Anastasiya shares her insights on adapting to a changing job market.

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