Impact & Opinions | Tionchar & Tuairimí


04 February 2025
32  MINS

Irish Culture, Transformed: A Conversation with Brian Molloy

Brian Molloy, Head of Transformation at the Irish Defence Forces; Uachtarán, The Camogie Association

Cois Coiribe is delighted to have the opportunity to highlight University of Galway alumnus Brian Molloy, who has worked in the private sector for over 30 years, earned his MBA at University of Galway, and applied his experience towards large-scale transformation across the Department of Social Protection following his appointment in 2019. Mr Molloy is now Head of Transformation at the Irish Defence Forces and is spearheading a Government-approved High Level Action Plan, leading organisational reimagining on a broad scale. The plan itself has been recognised as a significant change in the State. Mr Molloy was appointed as the first male Uachtarán (President) of the Camogie Association in 2024 due to his staunch support of female participation in sport alongside being a vocal proponent for the structural integration of the Gaelic Games. Here, Mr Molloy discusses his experiences both governmentally and as a leading voice of camogie in Ireland.

Innovate Together
15 January 2025
16  MINS

You’re Home in Galway: A Story as Told by Dr Thamil Venthan Ananthavinayagan

Dr Thamil Venthan Ananthavinayagan, Assistant Principal and Senior Legal Researcher, Department of Justice | University of Galway Alumni

Dr Thamil Venthan Ananthavinayagan is a University of Galway alumnus who has had an illustrious career in the area of human rights. Currently, he is Assistant Principal and Senior Legal Researcher at the Irish Department of Justice, as well as a Lecturer at Maynooth University. Dr Ananthavinayagan explains how he came to be in Galway, what influenced his human rights work, and his trajectory after leaving University of Galway. He also tells us about the warm – and surprising – welcome he received when arriving in Galway as a stranger, why Galway spoke to him during his stay, and his enduring fondness for the City of Tribes and its people.

19 December 2024
29  MINS

Real World Impact

Prof Kate Kenny, Professor of Business and Society at J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics, University of Galway,

Professor of Business and Society at J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics, Kate Kenny has been researching whistleblowing in organisations for the past 10 years, across a range of sectors from the Gardaí to finance. Working with academic and industry collaborators, as well as whistleblowers themselves, Prof Kenny investigates the professional and legal structures that deny the voices of dissenters, and those that aim to support them. Launching in 2025, her upcoming book Regulators of Last Resort explores familiar cases such as Amazon and Facebook to ask: what is the price that whistleblowers pay, and who can offer them support? 

03 October 2024
17  MINS

Day in the Life – Dr Ciara Smyth

Dr Ciara Smyth, Assistant Professor, College of Business, Public Policy and Law, School of Law and Irish Centre for Human Rights

Cois Coiribe‘s ‘Day in the Life’ series showcases the diverse workings of our research and teaching life at University of Galway. We aim to spotlight researchers, academics, and students, sharing their experiences, challenges, and exciting discoveries!

Global Impact
25 July 2024
15  MINS

Mary Robinson: Trailblazer for Global Justice and Human Rights

Professor Siobhán Mullally MRIA

It is not too strong to say that Mary Robinson’s life and achievements have been truly exceptional. From her early days as a pioneering barrister, to the Presidency of Ireland, the role of UN Commissioner for Human Rights, and her current role as Chair of the Elders, she has wholeheartedly given her energy to fighting injustice in all its forms, and pursuing peace and equality. In the face of often fierce opposition, she pushed through barriers and upended certainties, always speaking out for those whose voices were not being heard. Here, Professor Siobhan Mullally explores the life and times of a remarkable Mayo woman.

SDG Champion
18 December 2023
18  MINS

“Water is at the centre of the climate crisis.”

Rory Moses McKeown, WHO

As a fundamental human need affecting a range of SDGs, access to clean and safe drinking-water is essential to a sustainable future. Rory Moses McKeown, University of Galway alum and Senior Technical Consultant at WHO, shares his views on the challenges to water safety and access in a climate crisis, and the emerging role of water in global conflicts.

SDG Champion
15 December 2023
18  MINS

Imagine a Futuristic, Sustainable City between Galway and Dublin

Prof Padraic Kenna

We like to mix the global and the local in Galway. We talk a lot about climate, justice, land and housing, which is why the Sustainable Development Goals mean so much to us. Our greatest task now is to envisage the carbon-free, sustainable and inclusive communities of the future. ‘THE LINE’ offers a glimpse into what these could look like. 

13 December 2022

Spotlight on: Corina Cunningham, Lawyer, Vice President, Macquarie Group 

With a passion for law, Corina’s journey has taken her to some of the top financial and legal organisations in the world. Now a lawyer for Macquarie Group, Corina highlights the richness that working internationally affords to graduates.

06 May 2022
15  MINS

How Domestic Violence Fuels Wider Conflict

Dr Nata Duvvury

Research shows that strong links exist between domestic violence and manifestations of public violence, from crime to war and terrorism. According to global women’s studies director, Dr Nata Duvvury, to neglect the problem of domestic violence is to neglect the wider conditions for violence across society.

29 April 2022
19  MINS

Truth and Testimony: Ireland’s Carceral Institutions

Dr Sarah-Anne Buckley

Dr Sarah-Anne Buckley, a foremost expert in the history of childhood in Ireland, argues that our national story remains incomplete until we recognise our institutional history. Calling for a survivor/person-centred approach, she reflects on the importance of testimony in piecing together an understanding of Ireland’s Carceral Institutions.

29 April 2022
16  MINS

War Crimes and Ukraine: What are the implications?

Prof Raymond Murphy

As grim accounts surface of mass graves in Ukraine, many are asking: when will persecutions be made? Prof Raymond Murphy of the Irish Centre for Human Rights shares his insights into the legislation around war crimes, drawing attention to the selective nature of international justice and problems legislators face in holding those responsible for war crimes accountable.

16 March 2022
17  MINS

Russia in Ukraine: How will it end?

Dr. Brendan Flynn

In a recent piece for The Irish Times, Fintan O’Toole urged the West to think carefully about an endgame for the Ukraine war. The response in the West has failed, according to O’Toole, in its prioritisation of “speed and immediate impact over long-term utility.” Can political science and Cold War history help us chart a concrete path towards an endgame?

17 December 2021

Editor’s Note

A note from the editorial team of the Cois Coiribe winter edition, ‘AI and Human Creativity’.

29 July 2021

Welcome to the Summer Edition of Cois Coiribe

Professor Becky Whay

Prof Becky Whay, Vice-President: International at NUI Galway welcomes you to the Summer online edition of Cois Coiribe – where we ask what impact can internationalisation have on us as a university and the people associated with it and why should we be a Global University?    

29 July 2021
12  MINS

The Value of Internationalisation

Prof. Geraint Howells

Professor Geraint Howells shares his passion for internationalisation by drawing on personal and professional experiences, and tells us why internationalisation is an important part of NUI Galway’s agenda.

15 June 2021
10  MINS

Hidden Ireland: Migrant women’s right to rights

Prof Niamh Reilly

NUI Galway is part of a seven-country study looking at how inequality affects vulnerability to Domestic, Sexual and Gender Based Violence and what strategies can be deployed to help migrant women improve their lives and live free from violence.

07 May 2021
15  MINS

Fighting the Headlines: Active* Consent is working to reduce experiences of sexual violence and harassment for young people

Dr Charlotte McIvor, Dr Pádraig MacNeela, Dr Siobhán O’Higgins

Leading academics tackling sexual harassment on campuses around the country by working with young people to reduce experiences of sexual violence and harassment for young people.

29 April 2021
17  MINS

Pandemic exposes income inequalities in Irish society

Dr Deirdre Curran, Dr Lucy-Ann Buckley, Professor Kate Kenny, Dr Gary Goggins, Dr Áine Ní Léime

Leading academics in the Whitaker Institute set out to explore some of the glaring inequalities in the Irish labour market which Covid-19 has shone a spotlight on.

29 April 2021
11  MINS

Equality for Travellers to overcome the odds

Owen Ward

Traveller and qualified teacher Owen Ward opens up about his own personal journey in pursuit of education and driving a new focus and dimension to the equality agenda in higher education.

29 April 2021
10  MINS

Trans student leads the charge for change

Cameron Keighron

PhD student Cameron Keighron opens up about their own journey through issues of equality and bringing their experience to bear on the global Next Generational Leaders Programme.

29 April 2021

Pandemic pushes universities to rethink excellence

Dr Su-Ming Khoo

With higher education rankings led by for-profit corporations and scientific publishing turning higher profit margins than Apple, Google or Amazon, universities should challenge how success is measured as they work for public good.

29 April 2021
12  MINS

The concept of vulnerability in the quest for equality

Prof Niamh Reilly

Professor Niamh Reilly asks us to reconsider the starting point for dealing with the question of equality and associated issues in modern society.

29 April 2021
14  MINS

Linguistic diversity in an inclusive world

Dr Anne O’Connor, , ,

Despite official records showing 13% of people in Ireland speak a language other than Irish or English at home, there is a striking absence of discussion on linguistic diversity and discrimination.

28 April 2021
14  MINS

Student reflections on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

MA Students Gender, Globalisation and Rights, 2020-2021, Dr Stacey Scriver,

Dr Stacey Scriver, Lecturer and Researcher in the Global Centre for Women’s Studies in NUI Galway, introduces the thoughts of Masters students who are studying issues around gender, globalisation and rights.

28 April 2021

Cois Coiribe Podcast: Mary Harney – survivor and social justice activist

In this episode of our Cois Coiribe podcast, Law lecturer Dr Maeve O’Rourke sits down with NUI Galway alumna Mary Harney (MA 2013, LLM 2020). The tireless and beloved social justice activist shares wisdom she has gleaned from surviving institutional abuse as a child, a lifetime advocating for justice and her pursuit of education.

28 April 2021
12  MINS

A new equality for Ireland’s criminal justice system

Tom O'Malley, , ,

In July 2020, the Department of Justice published the report of a working group, chaired by Tom O’Malley, entitled Protections for Vulnerable Witnesses in the Investigation and Prosecution of Sexual Offences. Here the NUI Galway lecturer describes what led to him being appointed to the role.

28 April 2021
12  MINS

Barriers to equality are barriers to knowledge

Dr Heike Schmidt-Felzmann, , ,

There is a deep need to ensure the inequality experienced by people across society is understood, otherwise the entire process of working for change and betterment is flawed.

28 April 2021
11  MINS

Empathy the key to unlocking Covid-19 impact on teens

Prof Pat Dolan

NUI Galway’s Unesco Chair reveals how we can benefit from a deeper appreciation of how the pandemic has affected adolescents, and even speed up society-wide recovery.

28 April 2021
16  MINS

Women whistleblowers – paying a greater price

Prof Kate Kenny|J.E. Cairnes

Many whistleblowers endure a fight to be believed but existing inequalities exacerbate the risks faced by those who speak out and hold the powerful to account, with women often left the most isolated.

28 April 2021
14  MINS

Lawyers for others – working for social justice and real change

Prof Larry Donnelly, , ,

NUI Galway’s School of Law has been a pioneer of an innovative approach to training lawyers, ensuring they work on cases for public good and gain a deeper awareness of the marginalised in society.

28 April 2021
17  MINS

Inclusion – a goal and a role for us all

Dr Shivaun Quinlivan

When we think of equality we think of fairness and ways to increase diversity, but stopping there is stopping short. As society strives for meaningful equality it is up to all of us to ensure that everyone feels included.

28 April 2021
12  MINS

Data ethics – who cares?

Prof Mathieu D'Aquin

We know Artificial Intelligence and big data can impact on equality, diversity and inclusion, but we must face up to the reality that it’s now at a level which cannot be handled.

28 April 2021
17  MINS

In Conversation With: Professor Anne Scott

Prof Anne Scott

NUI Galway’s Vice President for Equality, Diversity sat down with Cois Coiribe to talk about leading and promoting all aspects of equality and diversity throughout the University.

28 April 2021
14  MINS

Migrants and minorities in higher education – battling embedded inequality

Dr Srinivasan Raghavendran

An academic’s personal reflection on the need to level the playing field for immigrant and minority ethnic staff and students in universities and a call for institutions to be the champion for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.

17 January 2021
15  MINS

The University as Space of Curiosity and Source of Ethics

Michael D Higgins

As someone who spent many years teaching political science and sociology in NUI Galway, I feel a close bond with the university, an affection that stays with me to this day as I recall so many wonderful years of teaching and research there, as well as the lifelong friendships forged.

15 December 2020

NUI Galway’s Research – Covid-19 Response

Prof Lokesh Joshi,

15 December 2020
21  MINS

Infrastructure – for Public Good and Collaborative Creativity

John Concannon

15 December 2020
16  MINS

NUI Galway – Strengthening Global Peace & Security

Tom Felle, Mícheál Tierney, Vice Admiral Mark Mellett, Prof Siobhán Mullally

15 December 2020
14  MINS

A University for the Future – Serving the Public Good

Prof Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh

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