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Resilient Innovation
22 June 2023
16  MINS

The Nine-to-Five is Dead: What’s Next?

Assistant Professor Maeve O’Sullivan

Which ‘genius day’ do you take off as part of your four-day week? Does your co-bot take milk in their coffee? Fancy a ‘match-making’ session for remote workers in your company retreat? These are questions workers and workplace leaders face in the new world of work. Predictions about the future world of work range from organisational inertia to a complete robotic takeover. Assistant Professor Maeve O’Sullivan, Lecturer in Human Resource Management and Decent Work, unpacks some of the issues to be tackled as we contemplate this uncertain future.

28 July 2021
18  MINS

Foundations for the Future – Towards a More Sustainable World

Dr Nessa Cronin,, Prof John Morrissey

In planning for a more sustainable world, a key learning from the current crisis is that we must increasingly imagine the world in an interconnected global sense.

27 July 2021

The Power of Positive Persuasion

Prof Molly Byrne

Professor Molly Byrne has ensured Ireland has been an international beacon for the use of behavioural science in the Covid-19 policy response.

14 January 2021

Webinar: Learning from pandemics: a century of experience

Learning from pandemics: a century of experience

11 January 2021

Philosophy and the Pandemic: reasoning in unreasonable times

As the COVID-19 pandemic has swept the globe, fundamental philosophical questions have come into sharp focus. In this panel discussion, faculty members from the discipline of philosophy at NUI Galway will discuss a range of issues related to these times of change and uncertainty, including the role and rhetoric of expertise; “states of exception” and governance; the trust invested in decision-makers; the nature of goodwill in a moment of crisis; how we engage in reasoning about uncertainty and catastrophic outcomes; and the nature of nostalgia and how we (mis)remember the past.

17 December 2020
16  MINS

Sustainability & Covid-19 – A Setback or the Cusp of Change?

NUI Galway’s Community and University Sustainability Partnership (CUSP)  is a multi-disciplinary, voluntary team of over 30 students and staff from across the campus and community, with the common aim of establishing the university as a leading institutional model for sustainability. CUSP has been at the heart of a vital pillar of the university’s strategy – a commitment to sustainability as one of four underpinning values for everything that the university does (alongside respect, openness and excellence).

17 December 2020
13  MINS

Key Trends in Business & Innovation – The Covid-19 Effect

Prof Alma McCarthy

15 December 2020
14  MINS

From Plague to Covid – What History Teaches us about Pandemics

Prof Daniel Carey

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