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Spotlight On: Alum, Deepak Kumar Jain, NetApp
Deepak Kumar Jain
Senior manager of Software Engineering, NetApp; External Advisory Board Member, J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics.
Made in Galway: Resilient Innovation

Spotlight On: Alum, Deepak Kumar Jain, NetApp

06 July 23
 | 10 MINS

Deepak Kumar Jain is senior manager of software engineering at data company, NetApp. An alum of University of Galway, Deepak has vast experience in software development, leading multi-million product releases from start to end, in countries including France, Germany, India and Ireland. Here, Deepak shares his thoughts on emerging technologies to watch out for, and the West of Ireland’s unique appeal as a region for education and innovation.

Cois Coiribe: Is there a memorable moment from your time on the MBA programme at University of Galway that stands out to you? 

Deepak Kumar Jain: The International gateway module was the main highlight for me. The International gateway module combines tuition and experiential learning in a global business context, delivered in collaboration with academic partner, Fordham University, NY (Lincoln Center Campus, Manhattan). The experience gave me the opportunity to visit businesses, attend lectures and interact with business leaders in an international setting. Even though the module was moved two years due to COVID-19, it still helped me to gain meaningful practical experience which is crucial in an MBA. During the trip, I not only came to know my colleagues in MBA better but also learned more from lectures in Fordham Gabelli School of Business. 

CC: Can you tell us about your contribution to the J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics’ External Advisory Board? 

DKJ: I am part of a sub-committee for internationalisation and through this role, I provide input in terms of what international students – especially the big market in India – look for when choosing a university abroad, along with other topics. I have first-hand experience as I too moved abroad from India for my own studies. I can relate to that international student experience. I have proposed ideas like working closely with Irish consulates in other countries to organise workshops in various cities. These workshops are aimed at not only informing prospective students about the university but also the benefits of living in Ireland (such as high GDP per capita and the presence of many European headquarters of MNCs like Google, Meta and NetApp). 

“Demand for next generation products has seen exponential growth due to hybrid and remote work; people expect a seamless experience while working from anywhere in the world today.”

Deepak Kumar Jain

CC: Your role at NetApp focuses on next-gen communication products. Has the shift to hybrid work influenced the development of, and demand for, these products? 

DKJ: Demand for next generation products has seen exponential growth due to hybrid and remote work; people expect a seamless experience while working from anywhere in the world today. This has led our team to accelerate the development of our products and include newer technologies. The product that I lead out on is focused on the encryption of data from our customers.  

Due to the focus on data security, the adoption of these kinds of products has taken centre stage in many companies as they rush to get end-to-end security, irrespective of where data is generated. As the advancement of technologies such as 5G and digitalization continues to accelerate – resulting in an exponential increase in data generation – the protection of this valuable information has become a crucial concern not only for businesses but also for governments. It is imperative that data security remains a focal point for both sectors to ensure its safeguarding against malicious actors. 

CC: Which emerging technologies excite you most as an engineering manager? 

DKJ: AI and cloud technologies are the ones that excite me the most. Cloud is democratising the power of computing for everyone, leading to everyday innovations. In simpler terms, Cloud has given computers to everyone, irrespective of location in the world. AI has started to have a major impact with popular deep learning applications like ChatGPT creating innovative solutions to tasks which are repetitive in nature. 

Spotlight On: Alum, Deepak Kumar Jain, NetApp

“Universities in the region are playing a crucial role in not only empowering students with the critical skills needed to be effective in the job (technical and soft), but also creating a sense of community...”

Alum, Deepak Kumar Jain

CC: What makes the West of Ireland a unique region for innovation in your view, and what role can universities play in stimulating this innovation? 

DKJ: The availability of high-class talent combined with world-class companies like Boston Scientific, Valeo, HPE and Intel in the West of Ireland; that’s a combination that other regions in the world could only wish for. From a company’s perspective, availability and retaining talent is crucial for any success. From an employee’s perspective, the region provides security, opportunities to enjoy activities and a sense of togetherness. 
Universities in the region are playing a crucial role in not only empowering students with the critical skills needed to be effective in the job (technical and soft), but also creating a sense of community which improves one’s overall social life. The West of Ireland offers the potential to combine both perspectives and I strongly believe that this is a unique region for innovation. 

CC: If you were faced with a room of students today, what advice would you give them? 

DKJ: I would offer the same recommendation as Robert Noyce; he once said to his Intel employees: “Don’t be encumbered by history, just go out and do something wonderful.” 



Deepak Kumar Jain
Senior manager of Software Engineering, NetApp; External Advisory Board Member, J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics.

Deepak Kumar Jain is a software engineering leader at NetApp Ireland, where he leads a dynamic and diverse team focused on developing cutting-edge cloud-based security and storage products. With an MBA from the University of Galway, a master's degree from France (with prestigious scholarships), and a bachelor's degree from India (with full scholarships), Deepak brings a wealth of expertise to his role. 

Having worked in capacities ranging from developer to engineering manager, Deepak has gained extensive experience across multiple countries, including India, France, Germany and Ireland. He has successfully overseen the entire software development cycle, leading multi-million-dollar product releases from inception to completion. Deepak also finds fulfilment in mentoring individuals and teams. He possesses an avid curiosity for emerging technologies. During down time, he enjoys exploring new activities, including learning about camogie alongside his daughter. 


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