Impact & Opinions | Tionchar & Tuairimí


Global Impact
25 July 2024
15  MINS

Mary Robinson: Trailblazer for Global Justice and Human Rights

Professor Siobhán Mullally MRIA

It is not too strong to say that Mary Robinson’s life and achievements have been truly exceptional. From her early days as a pioneering barrister, to the Presidency of Ireland, the role of UN Commissioner for Human Rights, and her current role as Chair of the Elders, she has wholeheartedly given her energy to fighting injustice in all its forms, and pursuing peace and equality. In the face of often fierce opposition, she pushed through barriers and upended certainties, always speaking out for those whose voices were not being heard. Here, Professor Siobhan Mullally explores the life and times of a remarkable Mayo woman.

SDG Champion
17 November 2023
17  MINS

Aligning our Research with Sustainable Development Goals

Prof James Livesey

In today’s hyper developed and interconnected world, we see isolated actions give rise to global repercussions like never before. As a framework for addressing global issues, the UN Sustainable Development Goals are a call to action for universities to consider the wider impact of their research. Here VP for Research & Innovation, Prof James Livesey explains how the SDGs have inspired a new approach to research strategy and prioritisation.

SDG Champion
25 September 2023
13  MINS

In Conversation: Ibec CEO, Danny McCoy

Danny McCoy

True prosperity calls for a balance between public and private sector, argues Danny McCoy, University of Galway alum and CEO of Ibec (Irish Business & Employers Confederation). With a varied career as an executive, senior economist and lecturer, this University of Galway alum has developed a strong perspective on the makings of a sustainable economy. Here, Danny sits down with Cois Coiribe to share his views on education, sustainability, globalisation and more.

Resilient Innovation
22 June 2023
16  MINS

The Nine-to-Five is Dead: What’s Next?

Assistant Professor Maeve O’Sullivan

Which ‘genius day’ do you take off as part of your four-day week? Does your co-bot take milk in their coffee? Fancy a ‘match-making’ session for remote workers in your company retreat? These are questions workers and workplace leaders face in the new world of work. Predictions about the future world of work range from organisational inertia to a complete robotic takeover. Assistant Professor Maeve O’Sullivan, Lecturer in Human Resource Management and Decent Work, unpacks some of the issues to be tackled as we contemplate this uncertain future.

Creative Galway
12 December 2022
14  MINS

Imagining the Creative University

Professor Rebecca Braun

Waning confidence in progress narratives and declining imaginative capacity, among other factors, have led us to what national policy advisor and professor, Geoff Mulgan calls “a deficit of social imagination”. At the heart of this crisis, as articulated by Professor Rebecca Braun, is the need to imagine alternative ways of being on a collective scale, through the circulation of knowledge. If universities, as knowledge communities, are to play a major role in this quest, how might the creative university of the future operate?

26 August 2022

On the Ground in Afghanistan

26 May 2022
15  MINS

From the Ground Up – Irish peatlands communities reducing CO2 emissions

Professor Christine Domegan

As the world strives to reduce carbon emissions, peatlands have been dubbed the new “black gold,” storing over three times the carbon of all the forests in the world. As part of the EU LIFE Peatlands and People project, people who once dug out drains to dry up bogs for peat harvesting are now blocking those very drains as part of a large-scale rewetting process. What drives a cultural shift like this? According to Professor of Social Marketing Christine Domegan, we must match urgent calls to action with positive models for change and mutual community support.

13 May 2022
13  MINS

In Conversation: Dr Matt Kennedy, Arup

Dr Matt Kennedy, A. Director of Carbon, Climate & Sustainability, Arup

Design engineering firm, Arup count buildings such as the Sydney Opera House and the Centre Pompidou among their innovative projects. As Associate Director of Carbon and Climate Change, Dr Matt Kennedy leads climate change services for Arup in infrastructure, buildings and cities. Across his 20 years of sustainability leadership spanning government, industry and academia, the NUI Galway alumnus has seen major changes in the way we think about climate change.

29 April 2022
16  MINS

War Crimes and Ukraine: What are the implications?

Prof Raymond Murphy

As grim accounts surface of mass graves in Ukraine, many are asking: when will persecutions be made? Prof Raymond Murphy of the Irish Centre for Human Rights shares his insights into the legislation around war crimes, drawing attention to the selective nature of international justice and problems legislators face in holding those responsible for war crimes accountable.

16 March 2022
17  MINS

Russia in Ukraine: How will it end?

Dr. Brendan Flynn

In a recent piece for The Irish Times, Fintan O’Toole urged the West to think carefully about an endgame for the Ukraine war. The response in the West has failed, according to O’Toole, in its prioritisation of “speed and immediate impact over long-term utility.” Can political science and Cold War history help us chart a concrete path towards an endgame?

AI & Human Creativity
21 December 2021
17  MINS

The Unintended Consequences of People Analytics

Eoin Whelan

In recent years, we have seen various industries turn to data-driven ‘people analytics’ to gain a competitive edge in management and recruitment. Eoin Whelan encourages us to take note of the unintended consequences of these emerging technologies – reminding us that the metrics we form, form us in turn.

29 April 2021
17  MINS

Pandemic exposes income inequalities in Irish society

Dr Deirdre Curran, Dr Lucy-Ann Buckley, Professor Kate Kenny, Dr Gary Goggins, Dr Áine Ní Léime

Leading academics in the Whitaker Institute set out to explore some of the glaring inequalities in the Irish labour market which Covid-19 has shone a spotlight on.

29 April 2021
11  MINS

Equality for Travellers to overcome the odds

Owen Ward

Traveller and qualified teacher Owen Ward opens up about his own personal journey in pursuit of education and driving a new focus and dimension to the equality agenda in higher education.

29 April 2021

Pandemic pushes universities to rethink excellence

Dr Su-Ming Khoo

With higher education rankings led by for-profit corporations and scientific publishing turning higher profit margins than Apple, Google or Amazon, universities should challenge how success is measured as they work for public good.

29 April 2021
14  MINS

Linguistic diversity in an inclusive world

Dr Anne O’Connor, , ,

Despite official records showing 13% of people in Ireland speak a language other than Irish or English at home, there is a striking absence of discussion on linguistic diversity and discrimination.

29 April 2021
19  MINS

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion – Issues and perspectives

Dr Nata Duvvury

Exploring how the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion agenda is pursued and progressed throws up many challenges, some of which cut to the core of how we limit what is up for debate and advancement.

28 April 2021
14  MINS

Student reflections on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

MA Students Gender, Globalisation and Rights, 2020-2021, Dr Stacey Scriver,

Dr Stacey Scriver, Lecturer and Researcher in the Global Centre for Women’s Studies in NUI Galway, introduces the thoughts of Masters students who are studying issues around gender, globalisation and rights.

28 April 2021
12  MINS

A new equality for Ireland’s criminal justice system

Tom O'Malley, , ,

In July 2020, the Department of Justice published the report of a working group, chaired by Tom O’Malley, entitled Protections for Vulnerable Witnesses in the Investigation and Prosecution of Sexual Offences. Here the NUI Galway lecturer describes what led to him being appointed to the role.

28 April 2021
12  MINS

Barriers to equality are barriers to knowledge

Dr Heike Schmidt-Felzmann, , ,

There is a deep need to ensure the inequality experienced by people across society is understood, otherwise the entire process of working for change and betterment is flawed.

28 April 2021
11  MINS

Empathy the key to unlocking Covid-19 impact on teens

Prof Pat Dolan

NUI Galway’s Unesco Chair reveals how we can benefit from a deeper appreciation of how the pandemic has affected adolescents, and even speed up society-wide recovery.

28 April 2021
16  MINS

Women whistleblowers – paying a greater price

Prof Kate Kenny|J.E. Cairnes

Many whistleblowers endure a fight to be believed but existing inequalities exacerbate the risks faced by those who speak out and hold the powerful to account, with women often left the most isolated.

28 April 2021
14  MINS

Lawyers for others – working for social justice and real change

Prof Larry Donnelly, , ,

NUI Galway’s School of Law has been a pioneer of an innovative approach to training lawyers, ensuring they work on cases for public good and gain a deeper awareness of the marginalised in society.

28 April 2021
17  MINS

Inclusion – a goal and a role for us all

Dr Shivaun Quinlivan

When we think of equality we think of fairness and ways to increase diversity, but stopping there is stopping short. As society strives for meaningful equality it is up to all of us to ensure that everyone feels included.

28 April 2021
12  MINS

Data ethics – who cares?

Prof Mathieu D'Aquin

We know Artificial Intelligence and big data can impact on equality, diversity and inclusion, but we must face up to the reality that it’s now at a level which cannot be handled.

28 April 2021
14  MINS

In Conversation With: Professor Becky Whay

Prof Becky Whay, , ,

NUI Galway’s Vice President International sat down with Cois Coiribe to talk about Global Galway and the strategy for the University’s place in the world.

28 April 2021
17  MINS

In Conversation With: Professor Anne Scott

Prof Anne Scott

NUI Galway’s Vice President for Equality, Diversity sat down with Cois Coiribe to talk about leading and promoting all aspects of equality and diversity throughout the University.

28 April 2021
14  MINS

Migrants and minorities in higher education – battling embedded inequality

Dr Srinivasan Raghavendran

An academic’s personal reflection on the need to level the playing field for immigrant and minority ethnic staff and students in universities and a call for institutions to be the champion for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.

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